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发布日期:2022-03-25 作者: 来源: 点击:
 名: 赵银军  别:
 历: 博士研究生  称: 教授
电子邮箱: crpp0104@163.comyinjunzhao@nnnu.edu.cn 办公电话:
通讯地址: 南宁市明秀东路175

个人简介: 赵银军,教授、博士、博士研究生导师(西南大学)、硕士研究生导师,广西“千骨计划”学者,软件设计师, 流域高质量发展研究中心主任、广西地理学会秘书长、广西水土保持学会理事、广西环境学会理事。到美国加州大学伯克利分校和澳大利亚昆士兰大学访学2年。主持国家自然科学基金2项、广西科技项目2项、广西壮族自治区教改项目1项、其他科研项目20余项,参与省部级科研项目7项,长期围绕河流系统主题,以流域地表过程→时空分异→突变阈值→分类→管理为主线开展研究,自然灾害风险评估区划、河流修复、水沙变化、河流分类、河流功能、河流管理、区域资源环境问题空间数据建模与分析等领域取得了系列重要研究成果。提出了基于河流结构的河流分类方法、构建了由河流分类→河流类型→河流类型功能潜力辨析→河流类型功能状况评价→依据河流类型的功能潜力与功能现状之间的差距设计管理活动的全过程的河流管理方法。在国内外著名学术期刊Journal of Hydrology, Geomorphology, Environmental Pollution, Water, Journal of Mountain Science等以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI源刊15篇、EI论文2篇、中文核心21篇;在科学出版社出版专著2部,申请发明专利4件。获广西壮族自治区教学成果一等奖(排名第3)、二等奖(排名第4)和特等奖(排名第19)各1项,获得广西社会科学优秀成果二等奖1项(排名第17)。现指导博士研究生2名,硕士研究生9名。









  1. 2021年广西研易达科技有限公司委托“柳州市独静路89号五宗土地地块土壤地下水一体化污染模拟预测研究”(主持,结题)。

  2. 2021年广西泰能工程咨询有限公司委托“河流健康快速评价技术开发应用及业态发展路径研究” (主持,在研)。

  3. 2021年广西应急管理厅委托“广西壮族自治区应急系统调查项目” (主持,在研)。

  4. 2021年南宁市应急管理局委托“南宁市七区县自然灾害调查数据采集审核与质检服务” (主持,在研)。

  5. 2021年广西海洋环境监测站委托“广西11个入海河流断面径流量测算技术服务项目” (主持,结题)。

  6. 2020年水利部水利水电规划设计总院委托“黄河流域不同类型河流保护治理举措研究” (主持,在研);

  7. 2019年水利部水利水电规划设计总院委托“广西河流水生态修复模式与方案研究”(主持,在研);

  8. 国家自然科学基金“基于改进地理探测器的广西喀斯特区土壤镉污染来源识别及高风险靶区界定(2017-2020)(41661085)“(主持,结题);

  9. 广西科技厅高层次人才培养示范“北部湾全流域生态治理集成技术研发高层次人才培养示范(2019-2022)(桂科AD19110140)”(主持,在研、省级、100万)

  10. 北部湾环境演变与资源利用教育部重点实验室系统基金“南流江河流地貌对洪水的响应机制及其生态环境效应(2020-2022)” (主持,在研)



  1. Yuanyuan Xue, Lijuan Chen(通讯作者)Yinjun Zhao(通讯作者),Qi FengChangsheng LiYongping Wei. Shift of soil fungal communities under afforestation in Nanliu River Basin, southwest China. Journal of Environmental Management,2022, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114130 (中科院SCI二区)

  2. Yan yan(共同1作), Yuying Huang(共同1作), Yinjun Zhao(通讯作者), Kai Tong, Yulian Liang. ASSESSMENT OF INUNDATION AREA AND WATER LEVEL OF THE TONLE SAP LAKE USING MULTI-SOURCE REMOTE SENSING DATA BETWEEN 2008 AND 2018, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 19(6):4547

  3. Hanhu LiuYinjun Zhao(通讯作者),Lei Wang, Yanyan Liu. Comparison of DEM accuracies generated from different stereo pairs over a plateau mountainous area. Journal of Mountain Science, 202118(6):1580-1590

  4. Deng Qucheng,Wei Yongping,Huang Weny,Li Yonghua,Peng Chong, Zhao Yinjun,Yang Jiahua,Xu Zecheng,Wang Xiaofei,Liang Wei,Sedimentary evolution of PAHs, POPs and ECs: Historical sedimentary deposition and evolution of persistent and emerging organic pollutants in sediments in atypical karstic river basin, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 773(73): 0-144765

  5. Zhong Cong,Feng Zixu,Jiang, Wei,Xiao  Lin,Zhang Xinying; Zhao Yinjun, Lin Qing.Evaluation of geogenic cadmium bioavailability in soil-rice system with high geochemical background caused by black shales, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 21(21): 1053-1063

  6. Yinjun Zhao Qiyu DengQing Lin, Changyu Zeng, Cong Zhong. Cadmium source identification in soils and high-risk regions predicted by geographical detector method. Environmental Pollution, 2020. (SCI Top)

  7. Yinjun Zhao, Yuan Lu. Mapping determinants of rural poverty in Guangxi – a less developed region of China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2020. (SCI)

  8. Yinjun Zhao, Lan Zeng , Yongping Wei, et al. An indicator system for assessing the impact of human activities on river structure. Journal of Hydrology, 2020: 124547.(SCI一区TOP)

  9. Yinjun Zhao, Penfei Wu, Jiaxiu Li, Qing Lin, Yuan Lu, 2019. A new algorithm for the automatic extraction of valley floor width. Geomorphology 35, 37-47. (SCI二区)

  10. Yinjun Zhao, Nan Yang, Yongping Wei, et al. Eight Hundred Years of Drought and Flood Disasters and Precipitation Sequence Reconstruction in Wuzhou City, Southwest China. Water, 2019, 11(2). (SCI)

  11. Yingdong Zhao,Kunlin Bai,Yinjun Zhao. Characteristics of a geothermal anomaly in the Fushan Sag, Beibuwan Basin, China, and its effects on oil and gas reservoirs. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019, 12(22): 698.SCI

  12. Qucheng Deng, Yongping Wei, Lijuan Chen, Wei Liang, Jijun Du, Yuling Tan,Yinjun Zhao. Relationship between Air Pollution and Regional Longevity in Guangxi, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(19): 3733. (SCI)

  13. Yulian Liang, Yongli Wang, Yinjun Zhao, Yu Lu, xiaoying Liu. Analysis and Projection of Flood Hazards over China. Water, 2019, 11(5): 1022. (SCI)

  14. Yinjun Zhao, Yuying Huang, Hanhu Liu, Yongping Wei. Use of the Normalized Difference Road Landside Index (NDRLI)-based method for the quick delineation of road-induced landslides [J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 17815. (SCI)

  15. Yinjun Zhao, Qing Lin. Mercury content in Potamogeton pectinatus from two lakes and surrounding areas near Madoi County, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27(3):1647-1655. (SCI)

  16. Kai tong, Yinjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Yongping Wei, et al. Evaluation and Hydrological Validation of GPM Precipitation Products over the Nanliu River Basin, Beibu Gulf. Water, 2018, 10(12): 1777.SCI

  17. Qucheng Deng, Lijuan Chen,Yongping Wei, Yonghua Li, Xuerong Han, Wei Liang, Yinjun Zhao,Xiaofei Wang,Juan Yin. Understanding the association between environmental factors and longevity in Hechi, China: A drinking water and soil quality perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2018, 15(10): 2272. (SCI)

  18. Jing Zhang, Changan Yuan, Guohua Huang, Yinjun Zhao, Wenyi Ren, Qizhi Cao, Jianying Li, Mingwu Jin. Acquisition of a full-resolution image and aliasing reduction for a spatially modulated imaging polarimeter with two snapshots. Applied optics, 2018, 57(10): 2376-2382. (SCI)

  19. Yinjun Zhao, Qiyu Deng, Qing Lin, Chunting Cai. Quantitative analysis of the impacts of terrestrial environmental factors on precipitation variation over the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Coastal Southwest China. Scientific Reports, 2017, doi:10.1038/srep44412. (SCI).

  20. Yinjun Zhao, Qiongying Xie, Yuan Luet al. Baoqing Hu. Hydrologic Evaluation of TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis for Nanliu River Basin in Humid Southwestern China. Scientific Reports,2017doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02704-1. (SCI)

  21. Yinjun ZhaoAizhong Ding. A decision classifier to classify rivers for river management based on its structure in China:An example from the Yongding River[J],Water Science & Technology,2016,doi: 10.2166/wst.2016.333.SCI

  22. Yinjun Zhao, Wenyuan Jiang, Rujun Yang, Nan Yang, Haiyan Liu. Designing and Implementation of River Classification Assistant Management System[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2018, 128(1): 012071. (EI)

  23. Yinjun Zhao, Qiongying Xi, Yuan Lu, Zhi Lee. Scale Effect and Similarity Analysing of the Extracted River Networks Features Based on DEMs with Different Spatial Resolutions[C]//E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2018, 53: 03035. (EI)

  24. 莫德丽,赵银军,陈国清,等,基于主波峰的自适应波形重跟踪算法研究[J], 大地测量与地球动力学,2021(中文核心,通讯作者)

  25. 陈国清,赵银军,莫德丽,梁珊,谢余初,童凯.广西南流江流域降雨侵蚀力时空变化特征[J].广西科学,2020,27(03):303-310.(通讯作者

  26. 刘芳慧,黄丹,钟聪,赵银军,林清,胡宝清,张新英.桂西北典型矿区周边水稻田土壤剖面汞分布特征及其影响因素, 土壤通报, 2020, 51(6): 1342-1350

  27. 邓齐玉,赵银军,林清,苗亚琼,谢琼英,江文源,杨楠,汪洋,陈刚.广西重金属镉的区域性分布特征与土壤污染状况评价[J].环境工程,2019,37(01):164-171+92.(中文核心)

  28. 黄玉莹,赵银军,谢琼英,童凯,邓齐玉,梁玉莲.北部湾经济区TRMM降水数据空间降尺度研究[J].广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2019,37(4):163-169. (中文核心)

  29. 赵迎冬,赵银军.油气资源评价方法的分类、内涵与外延[J].西南石油大学学报(自然科学版),2019,41(02):64-74.

  30. 陈刚,赵银军*,胡宝清,杨金美,黄玉莹.河岸带重金属时空变化与土壤环境质量分析[J].环境污染与防治,2017,39(09):981-986.(中文核心,通讯作者)

  31. 丁爱中,赵银军.以新模式管理河流,深化落实“河长制”[J].环境教育,2017(05):31-32.

  32. 赵银军,曾兰,何忠,梁俏.基于多源遥感影像的喀斯特地貌景观解译及格局研究[J],水土保持研究,2017,24(04):158-162.(中文核心)

  33. 熊丹,赵银军*,林清.防城港潮间带生物总汞含量及其空间分布特征[J],环境科学与技术,2017, 40(03):49-53(中文核心,通信作者)

  34. 熊丹,林清,赵银军,胡宝清.北部湾潮间带沉积物总Hg含量分布特征研究[J].环境科学与技术,2017,40(02):195. (中文核心)

  35. 赵银军.河流分类研究进展与展望[J].水电能源科学,2016,34(2):26-29.(中文核心)

  36. 赵银军,丁爱中,李原园.河流功能管理技术框架构建[J].水电能源科学,2014,32(4):159-162.(中文核心)

  37. 赵银军,丁爱中.河流地貌多样性内涵、分类及其主要修复内容[J].水电能源科学,2014,32(3):167-170.(中文核心)

  38. 赵银军,丁爱中,李原园.论河流功能[J].科技导报,2013,31(13):19-24. (中文核心)

  39. 赵银军,丁爱中,潘成忠,等.河流功能区划理论与实践[J].科技导报,2013,31 (13):5-10. (中文核心)

  40. 赵银军,丁爱中,沈福新,等.河流功能理论初探[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2013,49(1):68-74. (中文核心)

  41. 赵银军,魏开湄,丁爱中.河流功能及其与河流生态系统服务功能对比研究[J].水电能源科学,2013,32(1):72-75. (中文核心)

  42. 丁爱中,赵银军,郝弟,等.永定河流域径流变化特征及影响因素分析[J].南水北调与水利科技,2013,11(1):17-22. (中文核心)

  43. 赵银军,魏开湄,丁爱中,等.流域生态补偿理论探讨[J].生态环境学报,2012,21(5):963-969. (中文核心)

  44. 李卫宁,卢远,赵银军. GIS与数模支持下的油气田环境风险预警系统研究[J],安全与环境学报,2012,12(1):107-110. (中文核心)

  45. 赵银军,丁爱中,卢远,等.基于虚拟地球的数字流域平台集成技术[J].水电能源科学,2011,29(6):71-73,129. (中文核心)


  1. 赵银军,丁爱中,李原园.河流分类及功能管理[M].科学出版社,2016.

  2. 赵银军,卢远. ArcGIS Engine + C#入门经典[M].科学出版社,2016.



    1. 赵银军,林清,华璀,卢远,李卫宁.固体废弃物地理信息管理系统V1.0,2010,登记号2010SR035839。

    2. 卢远,赵银军,华璀,李卫宁,黄信望.大气污染空间模拟系统V1.0,2010,登记号2010SR045065。

    3. 李家旭,赵银军,邓齐玉.地理探测器数据预处理与展示系统,V1.0,2018,登记号2018SR1013560.


